Sunday, February 13, 2011

Random views on Microsoft-Nokia merger !

It had been long since I blogged last, 4th October to be precise. I was very willing to write a blog-post for all these days and thought about some cool stuff to write about but had been a bit busy all this while. This isn't a proper post either, it's basically an excerpt of a discussion which took place on one my buzz-posts. Since not much people follow buzz, I thought it would be a nice idea to take the discussion on a bigger platform. So, go through the discussion and do post your views on the merger in the comments.

This was the buzz-post which I made-

Nokia Microsoft Is Like Yahoo Bing – Nokia’s Days As Innovator Are Over
Wondering if this is a good strategy. Nokia is fully committed to Windows Phone 7(sounds like a Valentine couple to me :P), but it isn't vica-versa afaik, so even if WP7 gains customers in the future, other companies like HTC et al are equally going to gain from it (since WP7 comes bundled with them as well).

Is Nokia also planning to make smartphones which could run Android, just like its competitors Sony, Samsung are doing (doesn't appear to be so from their released strategy). would be very interesting to see what happens to Nokia's fate (in smartphones market) in the next couple of years (would make a nice case-study for some MBA grads :P).

Anshul Jain - This nokia and Microsoft alliance was inevitable.. Dono companies ke sales are dwindling in smartphone market..
Hope nokia shows something cool in MWC 2011
11:08 pm
vijit singh - The only point I am trying to make here is that why is Nokia making smartphones running only WP7., The partnership is fine, but they would be ignoring a large part of the market by not making smartphones running Android. The only change this deal brings is to replace Symbian with WP7 on Nokia smartphones. MS obviously is not loosing anything here since WP7 is still going to be available on other devices. So, the risk is all Nokia's.Edit11:25 pm
Anshul Jain - They might be ignoring a large market by not making androids. But view a diff. perspective. Nokia may have decided to not make devices for android because the market is already flooded with Android. Plus Nokia's smartphone share is already way low in the U.S. Thus releasing product for which market is already flooded and competition is with biggies like HTC, Google themselves, Motorola who are making android for almost 3 yrs now. WP7 being new is still a fair playground for all these players like samsung, HTC etc cuz the fact is that WP7 hasn't taken off much..

Plus, Microsoft maybe doing sum huge deal with Nokia so as to bag as many OEMs they can in there quest to reach to consumers who are loyal to Nokia from beginning (Mainly the E-series users)
11:39 pm
vijit singh - according to me a better strategy would have been to strike a deal with MS to make dedicated WP7 Nokia smartphones, just like they have done now. But, they should also have started making Nokia phones which support Android as well. That would have been a win-win situation for Nokia. Now, they are completely riding on the success of WP7 as a platform, if say WP7 failed to succeed as a successful consumer product, then what is the Plan B for Nokia ????Edit12:19 am
Anshul Jain - Plan B toh kuch nahi hai.. par it is a big possibility ki MS themselves refrained them to do so in lieu of huge money to prevent competition. You never know M.S. ;)

Plus, i repeat, maybe they didn't want to enter in a market which has a higher failure rate fr them.
12:41 am